中国材料名师讲坛第一百一十四讲——瑞典皇家科公司员工 Christofer Leygraf教授
主讲人:瑞典皇家科公司员工 Christofer Leygraf教授
报告题目:Atmospheric Corrosion: Advancements in an Evolving Research Field
地点:ag真人登录 学术报告厅
Christofer Leygraf 是瑞典皇家理工公司的荣誉教授、瑞典皇家科公司员工和中国ag真人登录名誉教授。研究范围涉及大气腐蚀和水腐蚀的广泛基础和应用方面。主要通过物理、化学、材料科学和环境科学领域的科学家之间的跨学科互动,开展了可持续的活动,为大气腐蚀奠定了更加基础性的基础。他曾获得多个国际奖项和荣誉称号,包括 2003 年赫伯特-乌利格奖(美国)、2006年Khwarizmi 国际奖(伊朗)、2007年威利斯-罗德尼-惠特尼奖(美国)、2009年U.R. 埃文斯奖(英国)、2013 年欧洲腐蚀奖章(EFC)和 2017 年 Marcel Pourbaix 奖(ICC)。他已指导约 50 名博士生获得博士学位,其中 3 人获得电化学学会颁发的莫里斯-科恩奖,该奖项每年授予一名博士生,以表彰其在全球腐蚀领域的最佳博士论文。
Atmospheric corrosion is the most costly form of corrosion with a broad spectrum of societal implications. It is probably also the most complex form of corrosion. The reason is that three phases (atmosphere, aqueous, solid) and two interfaces (atmosphere /aqueous and aqueous/solid) act simultaneously.
To extract more basic information on the physicochemical processes that govern atmospheric corrosion it is necessary to design and study model systems, which are simple enough for fundamental studies, yet complex enough to be relevant for practical purposes and applications. Due to international exposure programs, sophisticated laboratory experiments, developments of more advanced analytical techniques and advancements in computational modelling, our understanding of atmospheric corrosion has greatly increased.
This lecture within the China Distinguished Material Scientists Forum is of generic nature and will highlight advancements from recent studies in the author’s ongoing research activities in atmospheric corrosion, with a focus on copper. They include atmospheric corrosion monitoring under in situ conditions with extremely mass sensitive techniques and cases studies from macroscale to nanoscale in which, among others, direct evidence of so-called corrosion cells are presented using high-resolution analytical techniques.